CAPE TOWN. – Through its own structure and practices, many of the churches in South Africa perpetuate the very disease that causes gender-based violence, warned Prof Yolanda Dreyer, professor in practical theology at the University of Pretoria.
Prof Dreyer was approached by 1000 Women Trust about the role of the church in South Africa to eradicate the pandemic of gender-based violence, a pandemic that sees femicide claiming the lives of more than 2600 women annually, and more than 9000 cases of rape reported to the police every three months.
(According to the census of 2011, 84.18 % of people in South Africa associate them with the Christian faith – roughly about 44 million.)
The 1000 Women Trust is a women-led organization that aims to raise awareness around gender-based violence, rape and abuse and mobilize resources. These resources make it possible for the Trust to assist women-led organizations with grants and skills development.
Says Prof Dreyer: “Gender-based violence is the symptom. It rarely helps to treat symptoms. If the real causes of the disease are not eradicated, the symptoms will persist. The church can speak and preach and prophesy against the symptom of gender-based violence all it wants, but if in its structure and practices the church perpetuates the very disease that causes the symptoms, it will make no headway with the problem.
“The disease is that all people are not respected as creations in the image of God. People are categorized as more or less powerful, more or less valuable, stronger or weaker. Along with this category of value people are allocated “their place” and roles in church and society. Women, created in the image of God, have been treated by all religious institutions of the various religions and all societies as lesser beings.
“Men are “the leadership”. Men get the “important jobs”. Women serve food and serve men. As long as they are relegated to slave status, they will be treated as slaves. Slaves in history could always be raped, violated and killed because the were the property/chattel of the master. An alternative term for “patriarchy” that is used more and more to indicate the insidiousness of the disease is “hegemonic masculinities”. Wherever there is hegemony, there will be power games. Those with power win, those without lose.”
Asked what the church can do prophetically to fulminate against femicide, sexual harassment and rape, Prof Dryer said the church can begin from the inside. Male church leaders can begin to treat women like human beings of equal value to themselves.
Only then can “the church” possibly have something to say about the matter. No more male leaders and women servants in the church. No more booming male voices and quiet submissive women in the church. No more males abusing female people in the church – grooming, sexually harassing and molesting those over whom they have power, she said.
Ds Nelis Janse van Rensburg, moderator of the general synod of the Dutch Reformed Church, said the role of the church in addressing gender-based violence is to acknowledge its part in the development, legitimizing, strengthening and perpetuation of male superiority.
The theological legitimization of women’s inferior position had strengthened assumptions which caused the abuse of power against women.
“Unfortunately, there are numerous churches who still legitimize male superiority over women from the scriptures. The unwanted consequence of this is that violence against women still continues. The church should not in their own or ecumenical circles tolerate this blunder, but must radically oppose it,” Janse van Rensburg said.
The church has an inalienable responsibility to proclaim the liberating truth of the gospel. And it is a gospel that liberates women from assumptions that they are subordinate and inferior. It liberates them from the supposed authority that men determine their fate and lives. In reality, the gospel of Christ does not promote social hierarchy and power, but the equal humanity of all people before the throne of God. This gospel must be preached unequivocally.
“The church must also guide parents to raise their children as equals before the Lord. The cultural transfer that strengthens the assumptions that men can exercise authority over women just because they are men, must be stopped in the education of young boys and daughters. A deconstruction of the customs that strengthens the wrong assumptions about the inequality of boys and girls, is dearly needed.”
Van Rensburg said the church has a massive public and prophetic responsibility to advocate for the equality of women in the marriage, in the workplace and in all social and political spheres. Justice is an essential feature of Christian ethics. The intention of the church probably was never to promote abuse of power against women. But Christians will not be bested on their intentions, but on the outcomes of their doctrine and proclaimed convictions.
Tina Thiart, trustee and a founding member of 1000 Women Trust, said it is time that the church in South Africa take practical steps in eradicating gender-based violence by doing introspection about the perpetuation of patriarchy and its failure to speak out prophetically against the pandemic of the abuse and violence against women in the SA society.
Women who are suffering from any form of gender-based violence, and seek assistance, can contact the national DSD’s gender-based violence command centre on 0800 428 428.
Or they can utilize the Please Call me service on *120*7867#.
They can also SMS “Help” to 31351. Another option is to search Helpme GBV on Skype.
Women who want to contact 1000 Women Trust, can visit the website on , or contact Tina Thiart, trustee of the Trust, on whatsapp on 073-2079079.
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