1000 Women Trust, one of the most dynamic women-led NGO’s spearheading the fight to eradicate gender-based violence, has joined the effort by thirteen teams in six provinces that announced their goals towards ending gender-based violence and femicide at municipal level in 100 days.
1000 Women Trust is also stepping up its efforts to enhance the women’s economic empowerment initiatives countrywide, announced Tina Thiart, director of 1000 Women Trust.
“Women’s economic empowerment includes women’s ability to participate equally in existing markets: their access to and control over productive resources, access to decent work, control over their own time, lives and bodies, and increased voice, agency and meaningful participation in economic decision making,” Thiart added.
The national launch of the GBV NSP 100 Day challenge was launched on 12 th April. The Challenge is a structured journey for frontline teams and leaders that are designed to inspire and enable intense collaboration, continuous innovation and fast and disciplined execution.
End GBVF Collective, formerly known as the National Strategic Plan on Gender-based Violence and
Femicide (NSP GBVF) Multisectoral Implementation Collaborative, is piloting the 100-Day Challenge
process as a way to fast-track the implementation of the NSP GBVF at municipal level.
The work of the NSP GBVF is organised into 6 Pillars of action.
Pillar 1 deals with accountability, coordination, and leadership.
Their focus area for the 100-Day Challenge in Sol Plaatje Municipality is the establishment of a Rapid Response Team. The goal is to fast-track sexual offense cases and reduce the backlog, including DNA results, toward successful perpetrator convictions.
The National Prosecuting Authority aims for a 90% conviction rate as part of the 100 Day Challenge, as well as the improvement of child maintenance payments. The team will support this work by contributing to the planning of a GBV summit to address structural drivers of GBVF and developing and executing an integrated Sol Plaatje Local Municipality safety plan.
Phutanang community has been identified as a district hotspot and will be the location for GBVF campaigns targeting substance abuse by closing down illegal shebeens.
The municipality has also committed to fix all streetlights in the key GBVF hotspots during the 100
Day Challenge.
Pillar 2 deals with prevention and rebuilding social cohesion – #tacklingtoxicmasculinity
To tackle the issue of toxic masculinity, and how this contributes to GBVF, the Pillar 2 team in Tshwane, regions 1 and 2, will be identify two schools from each region to implement an educational program with the outcome of having the grade 8 learners develop an Anti-bullying pledge and be the ambassadors of this pledge in schools to combat acts of GBVF and support the victims and survivors of these human rights violations.
Pillar 3 deals with justice, safety, and protection – #nojusticenopeace
This Pillar has two teams, one working in Bloemfontein and the other in Tzaneen.
In Bloemfontein, the focus area is the Bloemfontein Maintenance Court. The team has set a goal to reduce the backlog cases (older than 6 months) by 75%, and a second goal is to improve the finalisation rate of maintenance enquiries from 50% to 75%. They also intend to screen all maintenance applications before enrolling them. The purpose is to ensure that matters that do not have any merits or cases that are not ready for court (for example where investigations are outstanding) are not enrolled.
In Tzaneen, the goal is to increase reported cases by 80%. The following sub-goals will make this achievable:
1. Get a satellite police station in one of the rural areas
2. Integrated service points (Thusong service centres)
3. Temporary shelter
Three social workers on the team offer debriefing services to all team members when the going gets
Pillar 4 deals with response, care, support, and healing – #victimcentricjustice
Their goal is to increase reporting of new cases by 300% in Matjhabeng Municipality, Lejweleputswa District, Free State. This will require coordinated effort between SAPS, DSD, the GBV court, civil society service providers, and the Thuthuzela Centre to provide reporting and psychosocial support services to emerging victims, survivors, and their families.
Pillar 5 deals with economic power – #saferworkspaces
This Pillar has partnered with Exxarro to end GBVF in the mining sector. Their overall goal: Say No To Gender Based Violence, Femicide and Sexual Harassment : reaffirming zero tolerance for GBV in the Mining industry.
Pillar 6 deals with research and information management – #integratedGBVFdata
This team is working in the Garden Route and is focussed on Knysna and Plettenberg Bay. Their goal is to, in 100 days, start using an integrated case management application for centralised victim/survivor-centric data to improve inter-departmental accountability and service delivery in the child sexual and related offenses case ecosystem. They aim to have 100% of cases in a given period registered on the system and referred to the Department of Social Development for the assignment of a social worker to each case by the end of 100 days.
Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) was officially declared a national crisis in 2019 following the first ever GBVF Summit on the African continent in 2018. The National Strategic Plan on GBVF was developed in consultation with all role players and published at the beginning of 2020.
Ever since, End GBVF Collective, the largest single volunteer network in South Africa, has been working tirelessly to build the necessary capacity to bring this plan to action. (source: www.gbvf.org.za )
President Cyril Ramaphosa, in a letter addressed to all the stakeholders involved in the roll out of the 100 Day Challenge, including 1000 Women Trust, said: “The NSP (National Strategic Plan) was birthed from collaboration and I’m pleased to see the spirit of partnership getting stronger.
“It is not easy taking up this challenge of breaking the silos and trying new and innovative ways to address the obstinate scourge of GBVF. However, your participation in this program is already beginning to define a new way of working that promotes disciplined execution, innovation and collaboration.
“With great pride and gratitude for your work , I encourage you to continue driving this movement forward. It is easy to become demotivated as you face setbacks, but remind yourself for whom you are doing this. Your work is meaningful and impactful, and even thought it may not be seen, it will undoubtedly be felt by all. So continue on this journey. You have my unbridled respect and support,” Pres Ramaphosa said.
Apart from its collaboration with the 100 Day Challenge, 1000 Women Trust is also deepening and widening its footprint by face-to-face meetings with women – sharing gender-based violence training in Graafwater, Laingsburg and Beaufort West within the next month.
On Thursday 28 th April there will be gender-based violence training at the Library Hall starting at 11h00.
On the 10 th and 11 th May, there will be gender-based violence training in Laingsburg and Beaufort-West.
The objectives of the 1000 Women Trust are to mobilise resources and give grants to organizations that support, raise awareness and provide opportunities for women and children who have been affected by violence.
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