Approximately 30.4 million people in South Africa live below the old upper-bound poverty line of R1268, according to the Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity group. The group estimates that 13.8 million people live below the food poverty line.
The National Income Dynamics Study revealed that during April/May 2021, approximately 2.3 million households reported child hunger, while an Ipsos study found that more than 40 % of South Africans of all age groups were affected by hunger.
But how can South African donors alleviate the burden of their countrymen in the countdown to Christmas? How can South African donors make South Africa a safer nation, and also a more peaceful place to live in over the next month?
According to the latest Charities Aid Foundation Country Giving Report, South Africans are not deaf to appeals to be cheerful givers, as almost 90 % of South Africans are charitable.
According to the latest report’s key findings:
The vast majority of South Africans have done at least one charitable activity in the past 12 months (86%) or in the past four weeks (74%).
Giving directly to families in need remains one of the top two ways of giving in South Africa.
Four in five (81%) adults have taken some kind of charitable action as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Similar proportions of people donated money or goods to NPOs or community services (47%) as gave money to family, friends or people in the community (44%).
This spirit of ubuntu is happening despite the fact that the middle-class in South Africa has shrunk from 6.1 million people in 2017 to 2.7 million in 2020, a decrease of 55 %.
South Africans are still prepared to give, and they are not shy to spend either.
According to a recent Bizcommunity-report, research shows that South Africans are expected to spend R250 billion this festive season. South Africans are budgeting an average of R6326 each for extra expenses over the period.
But the South Africans spending that money are all part of the upper class or upper-middle class.
Our appeal to our donors and other financial supporters is: why not invest a small portion of that R6326 – to an organization that is completely focusing on serving vulnerable communities like 1000 Women Trust.
Why not consider 1000 Women Trust to be a giant Christmas tree and put your gifts – or your donations – at the bottom of it so that we can spread the love to change a nation?
The Trust runs 45 community-based soup kitchens that serve meals to at least 15000 people each day. Those soup kitchens need extra cash and extra vegetables to sustain their services as at least 40 % of South Africans of all ages are affected by hunger.
The sustainability of those soup kitchens – deeply affected by donor fatigue – is dependent on the cheerful giving of a South African nation that is prepared to display a spirit of ubuntu despite an alarming rising cost of living.
If 30.4 million South Africans live under the old upper bound poverty level of R1268 each day, it is obvious that more than half the children in South Africa won’t receive a gift for Christmas, and many of them will be hungry on Christmas day or maybe even without proper clothes.
One way of giving to children would be to donate one of your unused toys to 1000 Women Trust, who will share that with families from vulnerable communities.
We can also use a donation of clothes to give to shelters where women who had been subjected to gender-based violence, are accommodated.
The Trust mobilise resources to give grants to women’s organisations that support, raise awareness and provide opportunities for women and children who have been affected by gender-based violence.
The Trust’s legacy is that it has invested millions of women- and man-power the past 18 years to run campaigns in its endeavours to eradicate gender-based violence and empower women to become independent self-sustaining citizens.
The trauma training counseling sessions, the anti-bullying campaigns, the 1000 Women Restart initiative to empower women who have lost their livelihoods during the pandemic, and the #MakeTime-campaign to inspire parents to share values like non-violence and gender equality with their boys, form part of 1000 Women Trust’s service delivery.
The 1000 Women Trust has also collaborated with Nottingham School of business in running the WE DARE campaign whose goal it is to explore how access to digital platforms and innovation can protect and further basic women’s rights in Africa.
“All these comprehensive initiatives require support in order to be sustainable.
“We have been able to operate at full capacity for 18 years because of the heart-warming assistance of many volunteers, financial supporters, donors, and sponsors.1000 Women Trust is there for the long haul, and hopes we can count on the continuous support of donors,” says Tina Thiart, trustee of 1000 Women Trust.
To visit our website, go to or contact Tina Thiart on 0732079079.
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The 1000 Women Trust
Registered Trust South Africa (IT738/2014)
PBO NO: 930 051 359
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