Two Cape Town-based entrepreneurs, Perpeture Chikoto and Nomondo Nqwenyama, are amongst the many South African women who have joined the 1000 Women Restart Network, and are vouching for the enormous value that it adds to their businesses.
In fact, both Nqwenyama and Chikoto are walking billboards for 1000 Women Restart. They are actively “canvassing” women to join them to restart their business careers or to broaden their skills set in order to become even more employable or marketable.
1000 Women Restart is a comprehensive campaign aimed at empowering women who have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, or women who want to press the reset button to grow their businesses. It provides new resources, skills, business mentorships, and hopes to many South African women.
1000 Women Trust has conceptualized the Restart Network to inspire women who have suffered losses to restart by providing them with income-generating ideas of skills for better jobs.
It is estimated that at least two million women lost their jobs during COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 in South Africa.
1000 Women Trust has invited successful business owners to join and help as business mentors to assist those who have experienced job losses and trauma during the COVID-19-pandemic. An idea bank has also been created to give women access to more opportunities.
“1000 Women Restart has attracted 205 women the past six months and many of them have shared inspirational testimonies of how this Network has grown their bottom line – their profit margins,” said Tina Thiart, trustee of 1000 Women Trust.
The name Nomonde Ngwenyana in Nyanga-East is synonymous with Small Beginnings – a shop that sells fish and chips and Amagaga – chicken chunks.
She also visits NGOs and schools that invite her to teach people and learners the skills to do beading independently. They pay her for that service. She has recently been contacted by a new NGO to visit them and share her considerable skills with them.
“The 1000 Women Restart network has helped me a lot because you have knowledgeable women who share their ideas with you on which markets you should go to.
“They (1000 Women Restart network) have even given me computers to assist me with marketing my business. That has really helped to make some money in December.
“Women has also spoken to me about where I can run my business better,” she adds.
“The networking with women on 1000 Women Restart is quite special. If you need somebody to bake you a cake, you can just link up with the WhatsApp group. It is great,” says Nqwenyana.
The networking with 1000 Women Restart has opened her eyes even more to the value of social media. Facebook has been a particularly valuable platform to market her beading skills.
“In the new season, there has even been an opportunity to sell the beads to those young people who become men and who require the beads for their ceremonies,” she said.
“Nobody taught me beading skills. It Is something I just started to do. I even do my own designs,” she adds.
Nqwenyana has been a walking advertisement for the 1000 Women Restart Program. “I have given many women the link to join the Network. They should join because it empowers and encourages them and it can teach women everything they need to know about business.”
Perperture Chikoto started her business, PSSG Poultry, while the pandemic of COVID-19 was still in full cry and adversely affected the South African economy in 2020. She has found a new lease of business life thanks to the 1000 Women Restart program, which empowers women who had lost their jobs during the pandemic.
“1000 Women Restart assisted me to find more customers and also gave me good ideas on marketing my business effectively,” Chikoto said.
“Currently I have 500 chicken and twenty pigs in stock and I sell them. Obviously being on the WhatsApp network with many other women as part of the 1000 Women Restart initiative has been a great help, as some of the women on that network bought my chickens,” she said.
Chikoto is still yearning to expand her business and is seeking financial assistance which will enable her to purchase more pigs. She has identified a big market – customers keen to buy pigs and chicken.
“It would be great if I can link up with Pick’nPay or Shoprite to open up new markets,” she adds.
If people want to join 1000 Women Trust or the 1000 Women Restart-network, please visit the website on , or phone Tina Thiart on 073-2079079 to join the WhatsApp group of 1000 Women Restart
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The 1000 Women Trust
Registered Trust South Africa (IT738/2014)
PBO NO: 930 051 359
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